Our breads are a product of love – and time. The starting point for a good loaf is fresh, stone-milled flour made from local grains, grown in healthy soil. This flour, mixed with water and salt, is transformed into a delicious and nutritious fresh loaf, using traditional sourdough techniques, in a process that takes several days.
For bread orders please contact us on info@e5bakehouse.com or give us a call.

Sourdough Bread
All our loaves start from our 200 year-old rye sourdough starter, which is home to wild yeast and lactic bacteria. Using different flours, from ancient Einkorn to heritage rye, fermenting our doughs in different conditions and finally shaping and baking them via several methods, our bakers are able to produce incredible breads with a wide range of flavors and textures. Heritage flours are almost always milled in a stone mill using heritage grains. These grains tend to have more flavour and nutrients but are often lower in gluten compared with modern grains. They vary greatly in terms of strength, water absorption and fermentation time, which makes achieving consistent results trickier, but it is worth it for the unique flavours. After a couple of years of exclusively using strong white wheat flours, we at e5 Bakehouse took on the challenge of baking with stone ground heritage flours, and we highly recommend you give it a go too. We believe we are making some of the most delicious (and healthy) breads in London; we invite you to come down and find out for yourselves.

Hackney Wild
This has been our signature bread from day one. It is a simple wheat sourdough bread with lots of character. When we started it was made with a mixture of mainly strong white flour with a bit of wholemeal. It used a lot of a very stiff leaven that would be fermented for 48 hours in the fridge. This high amount of acetic leaven gave a good deep flavour to a bread that was made with generic roller-milled modern wheat flours. As we started milling flour and using heritage wheat, our bread started to have even more flavour and character, but we had to adapt the recipe to work with these new flours that were weaker and fermented differently from what we were used to. Everyday our bakers analyse our breads and see where the recipe needs tweaking to maintain it's distinct flavour and beautiful crust.