Jobs and Volunteering

Fancy working with us?

Find Job and Volunteer opportunities here!


Job listings are shown below. If you are interested in work experience at the bakehouse or at Fellows Farm or if you'd love to do an internship within the bread or pastry team please fill in this form

Part of our ethos at e5 is to be open and share knowledge where possible. Gaining experience in other bakeries has and remains an important way for our teams to exchange ideas and strengthen ties with others who share similar values within and outside of our community. It’s important for us to offer that opportunity to other people here at e5. We do however receive a huge number of stage requests and it is impossible for us to accommodate all of them. We prioritise those who share our passion for sustainability, inclusivity, diversity (both environmentally and in a human way) and who show genuine curiosity. Hosting stages takes time and resources from our hard-working teams and sometimes the day-to-day means we cannot afford to spare this time. Please be understanding if we cannot accommodate you and don’t let it deter you on your baking/pastry/farming/coffee journey.

We will try to reply as quickly as possible.

Please note that the stages we offer at e5 are unpaid work placements. However we work hard to make sure the experience is mutually beneficial and stagiaires finish their placements with us having learned a lot. 


There are no positions available at present. Check back soon!